What we’re about
Are you between jobs? A student? Work freelance or shift work? Or retired?
Not 9 To 5ers is for anyone who wants to get out and explore Canberra during 'standard office hours'. (There will be the odd after hours or weekend event)
The organiser is assisted by several event organisers to arrange events that appeal to a broad range of people. However we are always open to new ideas so please let us know if there is something you would like to see organised.
We're open to suggestions, and event organisers, for: -
• walks
• early lunches (to beat the standard lunchtime rush)
. picnics
• Movies/theatre
• gallery tours and exhibitions
• Floriade/Open Gardens
. A day in the country
. Mini Golf
Note: A photo of your FACE (not a silhouette, dog, flower, or any member that transfers from a Facebook profile) is required to join. If this isn't visible to the Organiser when you apply to join, you will be declined as there's no resubmit button. You'll have to start again. There is a requirement of an $8 MEMBERSHIP FEE ON joining please submit this to Helen Crombie Branch 062922 Account 10017836.
This is YOUR group, so suggest an event you might be prepared to host. Don't sit back and let others do all the work. You don’t need to host, but you DO need to participate. This group is only active as the people in it. *NOTE: To encourage activity in the group, it's a requirement of membership that you attend one event within a month of joining, and three events a year. If you don't visit the website or use the app for more than six months you'll be deleted from the group (you can always join again if you want to be active). Thanks for your understanding.
Looking forward to meeting you soon!