What we’re about
Welcome to the Philosophy, Depth Psychology & the New Mysticism Group, Sydney.
Here we explore the ideas and thinking of various teachings that serve in the evolution of consciousness. We've equal respect for the imaginative and rational mind – mythos and logos. Subjects include:
- Jungian & Archetypal Psychology
- Symbolism
- Dream Analysis
- The exploration of myth and fairytale
- Psychological Astrology
- The Creation of Consciousness
Group Etiquette
- Timeliness – Please arrive up to 10 minutes ahead of the actual session start and ensure you are ready to begin at the scheduled time. Sessions start promptly and begin with the participants coming together before entering the practice room. If you are unable to make the group on time, please do not interrupt a group that will have already commenced.
- Phones, Food, Drinks & Shoes - No phones, food, drinks, or shoes are allowed in the practice room. Phones must be turned off and placed on silent before being stored away. If you want to take notes, please bring a pen and paper to the session.
- Practical Focus – Each session will have a particular focus, and there is a need to stay on topic. Being experiential, these groups are not for heady philosophical debate.
- Cancellations - The teaching space has limited capacity. If you cannot make the class, be sure to cancel with ample notice.
- Group Profile & Personal Alignment - Please ensure your profile picture is recognisable. Also, your interests should align with those of the school. The group's topics need to be of genuine interest to you. This should be evident from your meetup profile (NB: This is not a 'dating' group).
- 'No Shows' and Repeated or Late Cancellations - No Shows, repeated or late cancellations will result in the removal from the group.
School Philosophy & Notifications
The underlying philosophy of the school is published as a 6-part e-newsletter. Please take the time to register at humanpotential.school for this and notifications of class times.
The school is very near to the exit gates of Newtown station. We are upstairs on the left if you are coming out of the station. If coming from King St toward Newtown station gates, we would be on the right, 50 metres before the gates.
Em: info@HumanPotential.Scool
Mb: +61414588885
Web: www.HumanPotential.School
Address: School of Self Potential, Newtown Station Esplanade, Newtown, NSW, Austalia
Upcoming events (1)
See all- Ivan & the Grey Wolf - Jungian Fairytale AnalysisSchool of Human Potential, NewtownAUD 25.00
Tsar Berendei discovers someone stealing golden apples from his garden. His youngest son, Ivan, catches the thief—a Firebird—leaving behind a glowing feather. Intrigued, the Tsar sends his sons to capture the bird. Ivan, aided by a magical Grey Wolf after losing his horse, embarks on a series of quests.
The Grey Wolf guides Ivan to the Firebird and warns him not to touch its golden cage, but Ivan disobeys and is caught. The king owning the bird demands Ivan bring him a Horse with a Golden Mane in exchange. The Wolf helps Ivan acquire the horse, warning him again not to touch its golden bridle. Ivan disobeys, is caught, and is tasked to kidnap Yelena the Fair to make amends. The Wolf kidnaps Yelena for Ivan, transforms her to deceive the king, and helps Ivan escape with all their treasures.
On the way home, Ivan’s jealous brothers kill him, steal his treasures, and threaten Yelena into silence. The Grey Wolf revives Ivan with magical water, hunts down the brothers, and ensures Ivan returns home victorious. Ivan marries Yelena, bringing happiness to his father’s kingdom.
Marie-Louise von Franz and Fairy Tales
According to the work of Carl Jung and his collaborator, Marie-Louise von Franz, fairy tales are not just simple children’s stories but symbolic representations of the human psyche. For von Franz, fairy tales are the purest and simplest expression of collective unconscious material. They are the most straightforward way in which the psyche tells its own story.Unlike myths, which often involve gods and cultural heroes, fairy tales involve ordinary characters who face extraordinary circumstances, rendering them relatable and accessible to the everyday person.
In fairytales, von Franz saw the blueprints of our psychological development, demonstrating how individuals might deal with the various forces that might shape their lives. In her work, she highlighted the transformative potential of fairy tales—how characters move from chaos to order, from confusion to clarity, and from ignorance to wisdom. In this sense, fairy tales serve as guides for personal transformation.
Fairytale Sessions
For each session, a particular fairytale is selected and read. The story is explored and then analysed. Generally, participants will find that they can relate to the fairytale’s themes, often surprisingly so.In this way, and much like dream work, the fairytale serves to illuminate. Their timeless narratives speak to the core of our being.
About the Group
Join our group for enlightening sessions on delving into Jungian archetypes, mythic themes, fairytale interpretation, dream work, and psychodynamic astrology.We will draw from the wisdom of archaic philosophy and the modern psychology of Carl Jung in order to explore the depths of the psyche and the intricate connections between the collective unconscious and personal development.
This group aims to blend the realms of psychology, spirituality, and philosophy, offering a unique perspective on the mysteries of the mind and the power of archetypes in shaping our realities.
Whether you are new to depth psychology, a student, or a seasoned practitioner, this gathering promises to spark intellectual discussions and foster a deeper appreciation for the mysteries of the self and the cosmos.
Sessions are both theoretical and experiential.Embrace the journey of consciousness and join us for an afternoon of insight, reflection, and connection with like-minded individuals dedicated to their soul's journey and the pathways for self-discovery.
Cost: $25
Hosted by The School of Human Potential.Newtown Station Esplanade, Newtown, Sydney.
For additional classes and information visit www.HumanPotential.School