What we’re about
Welcome to join one of the most popular, active and happy meetup group in Australia! Meet other local people who are interested in exploring more about this beautiful city Sydney and its outskirt area! Apart from urban walks and bush walks, we have also introduced a series of fun social activities during week days such as dining out, movies, festivals, expos to maximize your social networking experience.
JOIN US NOW, and see what is our next life adventure will take you to. Let us Meet, Play, Laugh, Walk and Explore....(All members by joining the group is under acknowledgement and acceptance of our public waiver shown as below, please read before you join).
Public Waiver
By RSVP Yes" to any events of our group is on the acknowledge and acceptance of our Public Waiver Section. You must answer the question" Do you understand that you are responsible for your own safety for this meetup" to be able to reserve your attendance of the meetup events!
Acknowledgement and Waiver The Sydney Walking and Social Meetup Group advises all intending and actual participants in any of the activities of the group that any or all of those activities may be considered “adventure sport” require appropriate physical fitness, competence and equipment and may involve an element of risk.
Participants in any activity of the group do so voluntarily and in the knowledge of the fitness, competence and the equipment required and fully understanding and accepting the risks involved. All participants acknowledge that they take part in such activities at their own risk and will hold none of the Group, the leader(s), others involved in organising or assisting with the activity or any of the other participants in an activity responsible for any death, injury or loss that may result to them or to others through participation in the activity whether due to negligence, misadventure, accident or otherwise.
Those inviting visitors on activities or deliberately or otherwise providing details of Group activities to others indemnify the Group and agree that in doing so they have made the terms of this Acknowledgement and Waiver clear and that those participating in an activity as a consequence do so in full acceptance of this Acknowledgement and Waiver.
The Group, its leaders, those assisting in organising and those participating in an activity may, to the fullest extent permitted by the law, rely on this Acknowledgement and Waiver as a bar or limitation to any claim for death, injury or loss that may result from such activity. \
You must read the public waiver section before you RSVP any of the meetup events. When RSVPed" Yes" to any events, you warrant that all of the information you have provided is both complete and correct and you agree to the terms of this Acknowledgement and Waiver and indemnify the Group, its leaders , those assisting in organising and those participating in an activity for any death, injury or loss that may result to them or to others through participation in the activity.
1. Walks are planned ahead of time as best they can be. Sometimes unforeseen events require the organiser of the walk to change the date. If you've signed up, you will be notified if this occurs. Hopefully you can still participate.
2. Walks can also be cancelled. This is typically due to the organiser being ill or bad weather. Often these cases arise on the last minute. All organisers need to cancel a walk no later than 7:30am the day of the walk. Waiting later than that is very unfair to the participants.
3. You should always check your email and meetup.com prior to leaving your home before attending a walk to make sure there are no last minute changes.
4. If a walk fills up and you still want to go, email the walk organiser and see if they'll let you come along.
5. First aid kits need to be taken on all Blue Mountains or major bushwalks! I have one that I'm happy to let other organisers use if they don't have one and I am not going on the walk. Please make sure to return it to me the week after the walk is over.
6. Your walk ideas are encouraged so send them to me or another organiser. It would be nice to offer more walks so come on and volunteer to be an assistant organiser.
You are welcome to contact us for sponsorship, collaboration, and/or event inquiries.
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- SO MUCH FUN! Improv comedy class + food/drinks in Surry HillsSydney Comedy School (New location - 242 Riley Street, Surry Hills), Sydney
Join us for food, drinks, laughs and mayhem in this action-packed night.
We have 20-40 people attending each time we run this event. It's been running for 3+ years each week. A TONNE of fun! (Tickets here - from $20)
Trust us, you haven't been to a MeetUp event like this before...
Check out our Google Reviews (100+ five-star reviews from very happy students).
We have a COMMUNITY of regulars who attend this event, plus 5-10 newcomers each week. Our WhatsApp group has over 400 members.
Please get your ticket via Eventbrite here.
This event is perfect for those who:
- Want to meet new people
- Are new to Sydney
- Love playing games, being silly and are judgement-free
****The class is specifically designed for beginners and newcomers.****
Those who speak English as a second language are very welcome to join in!
- The class is run by the Sydney Comedy School's hilarious comedians.
- We welcome all newcomers - trust us - you'll soon be a regular!
- You'll be on your feet for 90-minutes, meeting new people and laughing literally nonstop!!!!
- After the class, we all go to the local pub - there's so many of us, we basically take it over.
- It's a night where you'll make new mates, meet a tonne of people, relax and discover something new.
****Disclaimer: Don't blame us if you get addicted and can't stop coming back****
6:15pm - Doors open
6:30pm - Class begins
8pm - Class ends
8:05pm - Everyone is at the pub having drinks, food and mingling (note: you don't have to come to the pub if you don't want to)Class details and tickets here.
- Improvised comedy is a type of games for adults
- Most people come not knowing what to expect, and leave saying "that was not what I expected, and it was so much fun. I'm coming back!"
- You'll do activities in pairs, small groups, the whole class - it's high-paced, super fun, and everyone is involved ALL THE TIME, which means you don't ever feel singled out or watched.
- The class is designed so that you'll meet new people and have nonstop laughs.
- You'll work on skills that will help you to gain confidence when speaking to new people
- You'll be better at thinking quickly on your feet and answering questions
- Best of all, you'll find it easier and more comfortable when speaking about yourself.
- Whether you're a drama kid, someone new in town looking to make friends, or simply keen to try something new - THIS CLASS IS FOR YOU!
- Each class has been specifically designed over the past three years to cater for a wide range of people, and we guarantee you'll have fun!
- The teaching staff at the Sydney Comedy School are from some of Sydney's top comedy shows, such as the Improv Comedy Cagefight and the Stand-Up Comedy Championships.
- People from the class often go as a group to the shows, which is a tonne of fun!
- Each week we have 20-40 people attend.
- Many of our regulars take advantage of our 3-class pass system, which means a TONNE of people come back to the classes.
- About three quarters of the class goes to the pub afterwards.
- 242 Riley Street (the new Sydney Comedy School location)
Tickets at the door are available - but it's a bit pricier, so it's best to book online!