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What we’re about

Please read everything here before you join (including the list of activities), otherwise you will be disappointed when you are removed from the group. Please have a reliable email account that you check every day, including the junk/spam box. You must put up this email address as a safe sender/contacts in your address box as soon as you join otherwise you will not receive the notification that you are a member. ( VERY IMPORTANT
Living in the Southern Adelaide region? Like dining out and having a variety of activities to choose from? Enjoy general socializing with others? Single or attached, kids or no kids, male or female?
To be approved for membership you must have a first name (not just initials), and have a photo (of yourself), and answer the 4 brief questions. You need to be contactable via meetup private messaging. 
Our common goal is that we would like to meet new people and explore what the Southern Adelaide region has to offer.
We are a social group for people living in the southern suburbs to dine out at various cafes and restaurants and take part in other events such as bike riding , walking in lovely environments, free train trips to other locations (free with a seniors card), open gardens, movies, theatre, weekends and weekdays away (restrictions apply), markets, wineries, etc within the Southern Adelaide region.
.This group is recommended for people over 50.
We charge a once yearly fee of $5.00 for our group which is from Jan 1 to Jan 1 the following year and it doesn't matter what time of the year you join (exceptions will be made for those joining in Nov and Dec).This is to cover the hosting fees for our meetup site. You are allowed one month free to attend any events you want, after that if you have not paid you will be removed. Please transfer your $5.00 either by online bank transfer or attend a bank in person. No cash will be accepted unless attending an event within the first few weeks of joining. In the subject you MUST put the username you are using on your profile for our group. This is so we can mark you off as paid and you will be able to attend events. Bank Details are:
Account name: Jennifer Dianne Ford
Account number: 049085140
BSB : 105-144
Please understand that it may take a few days for your payment to show up, and then your name to have PAID written next to it.

Member Behaviour and Privacy Policy
The Southern Dining and Social Group over 50 is a closed group to help maintain member privacy. Please note that this is not a dating group and any inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated and you will be removed from the group. Members will remain respectful of other members and hosts at any event we attend at all times. This includes being respectful to the staff at any event we attend. Please do not contact other members via the messaging system unless you have met in person and agreed to be in contact. Occasionally a member may need to contact a host or event organiser without having met them first. A photo of yourself is now compulsory.
No Show Policy
If you RSVP 'Yes' to a meetup it is expected that you attend. If you can no longer come to a meetup, please show consideration to other people in the group by changing your RSVP to 'No' at least 48 hours prior to the meetup so adequate notice is given to someone on the waiting list who wishes to attend. In addition, bookings have been made and it is unacceptable for a hotel or restaurant to have numbers much lower than what we booked for. It gives our group a bad reputation and is embarrassing to the host. Your reason for pulling out less than 48 hours prior to the event needs to be messaged privately to the host. 
Anyone who RSVP 'Yes' to a meetup and does not show up or changes their RSVP to 'No' with less than 48 hours notice for no good reason will be marked down as a 'NO SHOW'. Anyone who does this on two or more occasions within a six month period will have their membership cancelled. You will not be allowed to rejoin for two months. This applies to event hosts as well.
Active Membership Policy
The Southern Dining and Social Group over 50 is social group for meeting people face to face, not an online dating site. The best way to meet other people from the group and make new friends is by regularly attending meetups. 
On the very rare occasion a member has to be removed from the group for either consistently being a no show and inappropriate behaviour either at events or in the discussions for events. There is a purpose to a member being removed and pointless if other members try and get around it. I would request that if a member has been removed from the group that current members do not tell the removed member where our events are. If you wish to see a removed member please see them privately and not deliberately at the venue where our group is. If a member contravenes this they will be removed from our group.