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What we’re about

This group was created to generate a community of people who share the same principles from the philosophy of Stoicism. The weekly programs are designed to assist community members in developing a broader understanding of Stoicism’s ideas and developing ways to incorporate them into their lives. Some of the recurring ideas include;

1. The Dichotomy Of Control - Things that are within our control: our thoughts and actions. Things that are outside of our control: everything else. Having a clear set of goals sets us on a journey from which we should be detached from all outcomes
2. Live According To Nature - It is in our nature to behave virtuously. The fundamentals of which are:
a) Courage - face our fears
b) Temperance - restrain from excess
c) Wisdom - respond rationally
d) Justice - act responsibly
3. The Obstacle Is The Way - The obstacles in our lives are blessings in that overcoming them strengthens our minds.
4. Sympatheia - Be an objective thinker by understanding that we have a mutual interdependence on the whole of humanity.
5. Memento Mori - Meditate on our mortality and live in the present.
6. Premeditatio Malorum - The only certainty in life is that nothing is certain. We should prepare ourselves mentally for any disruptions that may occur. Rehearse these in our minds: exile, torture, war, shipwreck.
7. Amor Fati - First, to accept fate, then to love it.
8. Reflect (journal) - Reflect on the day by exploring why we felt and acted the way we did

"The reason why we have two ears and only one mouth is so we might listen more and talk less." - Zeno of Citium

Let's create a community of people who inspire, motivate, and support each other to become more responsible adults.

Upcoming events (4+)

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