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What we’re about

2600 Meetings exist as a forum for all interested in technology to meet and talk about events in technology-land, learn, and teach. Meetings are open to anyone of any age or level of expertise.
The 2600 Australia chapter became prominent in 1999, bringing together people interested in computer security, electronic gadgetry, communications, privacy, and technology exploration in general. In addition to bringing these people together with meetings, mailing lists and seminars, we spoke up on issues such as Internet Censorship, Cybercrime, DVD encryption, and many other issues.
Since then, many of the original members have moved on to new projects, however the 2600 Australia movement is still alive, with many new (and original) members active within the online community and monthly meetings, along with the occasional visitor from 2600's international chapters.
This is the Sydney chapter.

2600 in Australia is closely related to Ruxcon and Ruxmon both in its origins and history. A lot of Ruxcon folks either having been 2600ers or still consider themselves 2600ers - and have carried 2600 forward in Australia throughout the years and eventually evolved into something bigger and better.
Ruxmon is a monthly meetup that hosts infosec presentations miniconf style around Australia ( and Ruxcon is the hugely successful yearly APAC infosec conference (

Upcoming events (4+)

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