What we’re about
This is a regular show and tell for people taking advantage of various kinds of personal tracking - geotracking, life-logging, DNA sequencing, etc. - to gain more knowledge about themselves. Come share what you are doing, and learn from others. Topics include, but are not limited to: Chemical Body Load Counts Personal Genome Sequencing Lifelogging Self Experimentation Risks/Legal Rights/Duties Behavior monitoring Location tracking Non-invasive Probes Digitizing Body Info Sharing Health Records Psychological Self-Assesments Medical Self-Diagnostics The Sydney Quantified Self meetup is modelled on the Bay Area Quantified Self Show & Tell meetings started in 2008 by Gary Wolf and Kevin Kelly in the Bay Area.
The Quantified Self blog: http://www.quantifiedself.org Bay Area Quantified Self Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/quantifiedself The New York Quantified Self Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/NYQuantifiedSelf/ Boston Quantified Self Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/bostonQS The QS Ning site: http://quantifiedself.ning.com PEOPLE Bard Canning Gary Wolf: http://www.aether.com Kevin Kelly: http://www.kk.org