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What we’re about

Are you interested in reading and discussing fiction / non fiction books centred around thought provoking ideas, with discussion broadening into other topics? You do not have to have read the book, but please attend prepared to discuss the topic. Sometimes we provide links to lectures or articles about the book / topic as well. Our topics tend towards scientific and social issues and thinking about future and alternative possibilities. We have looked at a number of science fiction books, including The Three Body Problem by Cixin Liu and Touch by Claire North. All adults are welcome to join us.

After a long Covid, health and other commitments related break since February 2022, we are ready to try bookclub again. I have a pretty long backlog of suitable books I hope are still available! We are trialling a different venue, catering hopefully for most people. It has an outside covered veranda and a pretty extensive food and beverage menu for those of you with funds - see It is a 10 minute walk from the Claremont train station. As the veranda is open to the air, please dress appropriately for the weather.

This group is currently capped at 12, so please consider others and only RSVP yes if you are going to attend. No shows who don't change their RSVP if they can't make it, or contact me, may find themselves put on the "not going" list for future events.

We started the bookclub in August 2013. It ran pretty regularly up to March 2020 (and we all know what happened then), for most of that time at the Dome in Subiaco until it closed. A sample of our previous topics and books is listed below.

In what ways might human perception change and expand? Arrival / Stories of Your Life  - Ted Chiang
What if the power to hurt were in women’s hands?  The Power  - Naomi Alderman
How can books, reading and writing help us in hard times? The Book Thief - Marcus Zusak
How might growing narcissism affect society?  The Life of I – The New Culture of Narcissism – Anne Manne
What should the relationship be between people and technology? Digital vs human : how we'll live, love, and think in the future / Richard Watson.

Upcoming events (4+)

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