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What we’re about

Welcome to Women Who Love Women. This meetup group is for women aged 30 plus, who identify as a woman-loving-woman: lesbian, bisexual, queer woman or fully transitioned to woman.

Its purpose is to provide opportunities for attending activities of interest to the current membership.


· Be respectful of the diversity of our group – age, ethnicity, disability, gender identity, religious and political opinions.

· Conduct yourself with compassion for others, in a way that a reasonable person would not find offensive, humiliating or intimidating. <br>

· Behave politely even when you do not personally like or agree with another person. <br>

· If you cause damage to the property of another member you will be held responsible for making amends. <br>

· Use private messaging within meetup to contact other attendees for personal interaction. Do not post in-jokes, personal comments or other innuendo on events or in discussions. <br>



· RSVP – Keep your event response up-to-date; change your RSVP if you can no longer attend.

· Members are responsible for their own behaviour - no-shows will be recorded, and poor behaviour noted. This can be used by event hosts to guide their decision making.

· If you have questions about the event, post it on that event and the event host will answer as soon as she can

· You are encouraged to organise events. Please attend 3 events before asking to become a host, and use the WWLW Hosting Guidelines.

· We are a group that does not profit from our members and no individual will benefit financially from an event, except if they operate as a business and charge an entrance fee.

· Seek support from another member or event host, if you are unsure what to do. <br>


· Event hosts are responsible for ensuring that restaurant bills are finalised. (We recommend that arranging venues that accept individual payment is the easiest way to go).

· Ensure new members are welcomed and cared for throughout the event. <br>

· Be respectful and pay for any damage you cause to venues, both for public property and private homes. <br>


· Event hosts love positive feedback. It encourages them to keep the fun coming.

· If you have a suggestion or a concern about the way an event was run, please contact the Event Host or the Organiser via a private message. (We consider this the polite and sensitive way to handle concerns).


· Respect requests from members to not be photographed or to not have photographs posted.


· A member is able to bring guests (non-members) when the event host allows it in their event settings.

· Guests are subject to the same guidelines as members. Members are responsible for their guests.

· Guests may not be women who have previously been removed from the group. <br>


From time to time, the inappropriate behaviour of a member must be attended to.

The Meetup organisation gives the right to the Organiser of each Meetup group "in her sole discretion" to temporarily suspend, indefinitely suspend or terminate your membership in her group.

This meetup group WWLW (women who love women) gives the right to the Event Host "in her sole discretion" to refuse a member to attend the event that she hosts, based on the history of the member eg for repeated no-shows, or for inappropriate behaviour at her previous events.  <br> <br>


An 'inactive' member is someone who has not visited the group (looked at our activities) for more than a year. Inactive members may be removed, but are able to rejoin the group at anytime.


You agree to assume all risks and liability related to or resulting from attending or hosting any and all group functions. You also agree that neither you nor any third party will hold any of the group's organizers, leaders, hosts, or representatives liable for any loss, injury, or damage to your own person or any members of your family, friends, acquaintances, children, pets, or property, arising directly from or as a consequence of any group activity. <br> <br> By joining Women Who Love Women you agree to all of the above mentioned terms of membership.

You may be removed from the group if you do not adhere to these terms. <br><br>


WWLW acknowledges the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of this nation. We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the lands on which we all live and where we meet.

We pay our respects to ancestors and Elders, past, present and emerging.

WWLW is committed to honouring Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ unique cultural and spiritual relationships to the land, waters and seas and their rich contribution to society.