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What we’re about

Hey & Hurray!

This community is for you if you are excited about using your skills, talents, resources, privileges as a force for good. Meet people who (want to) make a social and environmental impact. Be it with initiatives, products, businesses, events, programs, research.

We are all sitting in the same boat, so let's see how we can change course for the good, together as a big crew with lots of uplifting moments.

Topics: social and environmental impact across disciplines, circular economy, ethical businesses, B Corps, purpose-led companies, sustainable living, social impact networks and initiatives, social impact research, ... feel free to reach out if you want to suggest another topic.

With C19, we will experiment with formats to facilitate these meetups. If you want to stay posted, turn on the notifications for this group. <br>

Happy pulling-up-the-sleeves, fellow Changemakers!