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What we’re about

The YHA Cross-country Ski Club is a recreational trail and backcountry ski touring club based in Melbourne, Australia.

The Club's purpose is to provide opportunities for people to join in social cross-country skiing events, whether they are beginners or more experienced. As a skiing focused group, we are limited by the snow season and amount of snow in the Victorian alps. But we do hold other social events outside the snow season.

The Club is affiliated with the Youth Hostels Association of Australia, a not-for-profit organisation with members of all ages. We are part of YHA Activities which is dedicated to the pursuit of activities such as bushwalking, cycling, canoeing, and cross-country skiing.

The YHA Cross-country Ski Club is not a commercial enterprise - we keep costs to a minimum on our trips, and successful trips depend on participants' co-operation and contribution.

Upcoming events (3)

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