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New Meetup: Energy Healers Meetup - November

From: Amanda
Sent on: Sunday, November 9, 2008, 9:04 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Lower Mainland Energy Healers Meetup Group (Richmond BC)!

What: Energy Healers Meetup

When: November 22,[masked]:00 PM

Price: CAD5.00 per person

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Meetup Description: We have decided to make this meetup a little different from previous get togethers.

We'd like to learn about different modalities and hear your personal healing experiences. So there will be two twenty minute slots for healers to give a talk/presentation on the healing modality of their choice, or a topic which would be of interest to energy healers. Also everyone will have a couple of minutes to introduce themselves and there will be opportunity for discussion. We will end off with a group healing.

If you would like to give a presentation during one of the 20 minute slots (either at this meetup or a future meetup), please email me as soon as possible with your name, topic of presentation, and a little info about yourself and the chosen topic.

We will have more of these info sessions in the near future so that we will be able to hear from a variety of healers.

Learn more here:

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