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Repeated: FREE ThetaHealing Information Seminar For Those Who Missed Last Saturday

From: user 7.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 15, 2008, 9:36 AM
Hi Everyone,
Since there were some people who had to miss last weekend's FREE Introduction to ThetaHealing Seminar last Saturday because of the long weekend, it is being held again this Saturday October 18, from 12:30 - 2:00pm.
If you would like to become a healer or enhance your healing abilities you will want to attend. ThetaHealing offers the ability to instantly change negative belief patterns. Such belief patterns can prevent you from overcoming health and relationship challenges as well as overcoming blocks to achieving the results as described in such books as THE SECRET.
If you are looking to become a healer or enhance your healing abilities you will want to attend this FREE 1.5 hour introduction to ThetaHealing Information Seminar.   
A DEMONSTRATION OF THETA HEALING TECHNIQUES that can help anyone instantly overcome:

Relationship difficulties

Health challenges

Stress related reactions

Wealth and abundance issues


You will:

See how the Power of the Subconscious can have a negative influence on your behaviour that you are completely unaware of

See how to Change negative behaviour patterns - instantly

Participate in a Group Healing (feel free to bring the name of and permission from) anyone who would like a healing

Have the experience of being taught Positive Feelings that may be missing from your life

Experience first hand the unique and powerful healing ThetaHealing Meditation


Once You Shine The Light Of Awareness On Unconsciousness, Consciousness And Love Have A Chance To Thrive.




450, 9100 Blundell Road

Garden City Shopping Centre

Richmond , BC V6Y 3X9



When: Saturday October 18, 2008, 12:30 - 2:00pm


Please RSVP at:   [address removed]

For more information visit




 Paul Smith
Theta Healing Practitioner/Instructor
Theta Healing Practice Group
Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils


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