De qué se trata
“Our ancestors were mee/ng in the forest, around the fire to initiate young men into the art and du/es of being a man amongst men.
Men were sharing their strengths and weaknesses and elders were sharing their wisdom and stories. Men were connected with their Heart and they all had a sense of duty. Men were the protectors and providers for their tribe, for their families, for their children.
Men’s groups were a vital ritual for men to connect with their fellow men and get support, a sense of integrity and accountability and brotherhood.
Men were connec/ng to their masculinity so that they can polarise their beloved feminine at all levels: physical, vital, sexual, social, affec/ve and spiritual.
Welcome to a modern version of a Men’s group inspired by ancient prac/ces of our fathers, grandfathers, grand-grandfathers and their ancestors.
This men’s group invites you to come and meditate, share, listen and connect with other men.
We will connect and reconnect with our roots. We are the sons of our ancestors, men of all kinds that lead us here today.
We are all Lovers, Kings, Warriors and Magicians.”
- Reference to the book: “Warrior lover magician King” - by Moore and GilleLe.
You will be sharing amongst men about life and life’s struggles in a safe space. I use an originally tribal setting where we share as men used to share, open, honest and from the heart. Every evening a theme will be introduced and the words will be balanced with grounding exercises and gentle movement.
- who look for a band of brothers
- who desire to be raw, honest and open
- who want to be met with authenticity
- who want to connect with their fathers and fore fathers
- who want to know what makes a man
- Where: This is an ONLINE group.
- Who: we welcome men of any back ground, profession, sexual orientation and race. - Language: the workshop is in English.
- Clothes: Wear comfortable clothes in which you feel good and can move easily.
- Dates: Every other week on Wednesday ONLINE.
- Time: This group starts at 17:30 and ends at 19:00 CE(S)T
- Cost: 90€ per 3 month (First timers can join for a free first try-out). Next try-out session will be on the FEBRUARY 8th 2023
- Location: ZOOM
- ZOOM link: send an email to arne.tib'at' to apply.
Arne is Dutch and a proud father living in sunny Barcelona. He has dedicated his life to personal development ever since he started his work in clinical psychology. Since then he walked a path of science, meditation, tantra, plant medicine and tribal work connecting the worlds of mind, body and spirit.
Arne has been inspired by great men & tribe leaders like Robert Bly, David Deida, Chris Bale, GS Youngblood and has experience with the work and rituals of The Mankind Project.
In his passion to connect men and bringing back the tradition of men’s groups he is hos/ng this one.