De qué se trata
Welcome to Barcelona's awesome iOS and OSX developer meetup.
We're a huge bunch of geeks, who have a passion for Apple products and services. We meet up about once a month to discuss all things Apple - from Swift and Objective-C coding practises, to operating system changes and best practises.
We're a technical meetup, so expect lots of code and some interesting challenges. That said, all developers are welcome regardless of their ability level.
Since Barcelona is such an international community, all our meetups are in English.
Come and find us on Twitter @NSBarcelona, or on our Facebook page NSBarcelona. Or join our slack group with this link: https://join.slack.com/t/nsbarcelona/shared_invite/zt-1k115cyci-3PKNDhkkindZ6suN93tarA
Come join us, and come and say hello if it's your first time.