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De qué se trata

Imagine your dog being connected to the internet, or whales or bees .
If humans connect everything (themselves and things like lamps or refrigerators), will they start to connect animals to the internet as well, and how will it look like?
This bold adventure started in Frankfurt a few years ago and has now its place in Barcelona, too.
What sounds satirical in the beginning, has quickly become an intriguing project in its different levels of meaning and implications.
A challenge to imagination and creativity, it will be entertaining, scary, intriguing to visualize what the future will look like, be it with art, analysis or actual prototyping.
Everybody will be welcome: a flexible participation regardless of background and scope. In a series of small meetups we will try to cast a light on different aspects of the topic and I hope you will find it as baffling as we do.

The background: The Internet Of Animals project is connected to the FUFF platform, where individuals start collaborative studying projects in playful experimental and complementary forms and ways.