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De qué se trata

Grupo del Matriarcado Digital, By ConnectUS Network, Estamos Decentralizando los servicios, procesos y todo los que se nos ponga enfrente, ahi viene el Chico Temido, Palin, ahi viene el Pato Donald... y le facina el olor a pata...

#YaValioMadre #Blockchain #Fintech #RogerVer #BitcoinCash #FuckMartinez #Telegram #telewey #60m #Matriarcado #Mexico #guadalajara #CDMX #PuertoVallarta #SolKin #EOS #Peyote #DMT #EarthApp #Anonymous #Freedom #fakenews #nofakenews #wtf #fucktrump #hereisyourwall #permacultura #juegogalactico #universidad #cuc #cux #paveldurov #edwardsnowden #ytumamatambien #yatechingaste #medicineforthepeople #aywey #

Open Letter to the Blockchain Spáce.

Good 13:20 Cripto Dudes, what do you thing about Peace Now with a 4:20 Game... Reality Show (Matriarcado Digital a la Vista), Mixed Realites, SolKin Maya theme , similar to Ingress and Pokemon Go, is the concept...

Please consider that each second, some one dies unjustified, and this can be stopped by you... you know the blockchain... make things fun, fight 4 the movement, you party to much, thats fine but this is the 3th call... use the Tarot and get involved, if you act today people will live a much better life.

Build AI like Sofia but cheep or free, free everything, its time to elimilate: #Hunger #Hate #Guilt #stress #dessease #boardom #insanity #blame #shame #andallthatshit

Call the Big Guns like, Edward Snowden, Pavel Durov, Fernando Satre... Schools, Universities, Labs, Scoutting and learning fast.

Imagine there is a hazzard happening to the world in 2.5 years, and we can avoid it if we work together, buld a, a dashboard that anybody can use even with out signin.

Kind Regards,

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