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De qué se trata

Des de Om Tao Badalona queremos acercar las disciplinas de Yoga y Kung Fu para que te sirvan como útiles herramientas en tu día a día. Apostamos por movimientos funcionales que ayuden a desarrollar el cuerpo en todo su potencial, aportando bienestar tanto a nivel mental como físico.

Si buscas una comunidad en la que crecer, compartir y practicar juntos: este es tu sitio! Te esperamos :)

At Om Tao Badalona we want to share the disciplines of Yoga and Kung Fu so that they serve as useful tools in your day to day. We are devoted to functional movements that help develop the body to its full potential, providing well-being both mentally and physically.

If you are looking for a community in which to grow, share and practice together: this is your place! We're waiting for you :)

Próximos eventos (4+)

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