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De qué se trata

The Santiago Hash House Harriers meet every 3rd Saturday (more or less) to have a little exercise, a little camaraderie & a lot of beer! If you haven't hashed before, you can learn about the history of this illustrious organization here: Anyone interested in meeting local expats and Chileans are more than welcome to come and join. Expect to have a pleasant walk or run (your choice) meet interesting folks, and indulge in some beer drinking. Kids are welcome, but be aware that there may be some strong language as part of the festivities. Runners/walkers of all skill & fitness levels are welcome! Chilenos & Gringos are all welcome!

Note - just because you may only see 10-15 signups on Meetup, you can expect most Hashes to be attended by 20-30 people, often more on special occasions. We connect through a variety of means, so don't assume our events are small just because of the numbers you see here! Please RSVP if you are planning on attending....most important to have enough beer!