De qué se trata
Simple Spells -- Mexico welcomes anyone interested in learning more about the occult from spell casting to semiotics to secret societies; you will learn a lot here.
My name is William and I am a semiotician (student of signs & symbols) and author that has spent over four years living in Mexico City, gathering loads of information on spirituality and the occult, and the most effective way to generate synchronistic events in my opinion is through magick. I have often had same day results with this practice, which is very encouraging for westerners who seek proof and evidence before investing time any further.
Need to remove obstacles in your life? Need a change of career? Perhaps you need assistance with an issue that is close to the heart and you don’t know how to get through it? Need to stay safe while traveling or just want to have protection in general? The spell work I teach involves chaos magick that generates immediate effects in your life without the need for complicated rituals. Some of them literally take seconds to accomplish, and I am eager to share this technology with a caring community. We set our home base in Mexico City; the global hub for spirituality and an ideal place to expand your consciousness. At events I review my approach to practical spell work without the use of antiquated rituals, and I explain through real life examples how this works. As it works for you, I hope you would share your stories to further build this community.
This group is designed to serve your highest good and help forge a solid group of people invested in serving others---folks that are looking to evolve in a healthy, positive way. <br> <br>
Over time I will teach you how to conjure each of the 72 Angels; whose frequencies are benign and at the ready to assist you whenever you call.
We concentrate on chanting and observing sigils, i.e. inscriptions used to evoke certain effects. This group is designed so that any person of any belief system or religious affiliation can attend and start generating change immediately in their lives. These are spells that have been used effectively for thousands of years. <br>Previous experience is not necessary. For the greatest results, you must approach this with an open mind.
Note: Folks reading this have asked if this meeting includes a charge. No, there is no cost to be part of this group or to attend its meetings unless I've specifically announced a retreat or special event of the sort. So unless I announce cost, the knowledge and initiations I provide are free. I have more interest in the hard working people of Mexico City generating a sense of health and wellness, and we can do this together. I promise to show you the techniques that work well for me. If you have any questions let me know and I will do my best to get you quality answers, without reservation or holding back any levels of wisdom.
Get started here and see you soon!
All my best,