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De qué se trata

This group is for anyone interested in  Becoming the Change, Empowerment workshops, Spirituality, Light work, Awakening tools, Channeling, Retreats, Meditation, Love, Transformational Travel, Spirit Journeys, Sacred Sites, Shamanism, Ascension,  Freedom, The One-heart, finding your Path,  Spiritual adventure, Healing, Self development, Spirit guides, Light work, Light Gatherings, Fun,  Laughter,   Indigo Adulthood, Peace on Earth, Happiness,  Fire Ceremonies, Goddess Circles, Mother Earth and more. It is all about the JOURNEY……. The workshops and events  will introduce you to  different techniques and tools , Breath techniques, Yogi techniques, Channeled meditation,  Visualisation, Guided meditation, Chakra activation, Grounding and so on. All the techniques are fun and easy ways of developing your spiritual awareness, connecting with your spirit guides exploring the infinite self, and raising your vibration and connection.  Most importantly you will feel happier, healthier and more peaceful.
It is from this state that you are truly in your power.
Everything Starlight does is open to everyone whether you have never done this kind of thing before or have lots of experience.  If you feel called to an event follow your heart...Ultimately every starlight event is about helping you to Be in your power, love yourself more and deepen your unique connection with the Universe. 

Próximos eventos (1)

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