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From: Cheryl L.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 3, 2012, 6:30 PM
Ladies - some of you met our FFF member Donna. She's really a sweet person & she moved only after being in the group for a little over a month.Donna managed to fit 10 meetups in that time (she' loved being an FFF from the first meeting). WOW. Anyway read below.

Cheryl LaPrade
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Donna Mohrey <[address removed]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 3,[masked]:13 PM

Hi ya'll,
Wanted to let everyone know the close on my house in Kaufman went well and left for New Braunfels with money in hand.  Yippee!!  The really unbelievable part is that the house I tried to buy in July was still available.  I looked at about 7 other houses and then looked at that one last to see if I still felt the same way about that property.  Still loved it and made another offer.  The offer was accepted at my final offer, which was not full price, and I plan to close on that property on May 10.  Guess it was really meant to be my house.  I am excited to be moving into a lovely smaller cozy house that has Donna written all over it.  If you want to look it up again, the MLS # is[masked] and the address is 1332 Pecan Arbor, New Braunfels, TX  78130.  I hope everyone keeps in touch and don't hesitate to come visit once I move in and get organized.  Would love to have you.  Don't forget there are lot of good places to visit close by including San Antonio Riverwalk and historic, scenic Fredericksburg and Gruene.  Hope to keep hearing from all of you. 
Have a good day!
Cell: [masked]