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Updated Meetup: November group event - discussion & networking

From: Paul
Sent on: Friday, November 6, 2009, 9:49 AM
What: November group event - discussion & networking

When: November 7,[masked]:30 PM

Border's Bookstore
600 14th St NW
Washington, DC 20005

There is no agenda for this meetup, it is purely a social gathering. Lets get together, network and talk shop.

If you're any of the following people, you should attend this meeting:

* Anyone who has a project in mind or already started and wants to recruit people.
* Anyone who would like to get recruited onto a project.
* Anyone who has a specific film or video question you would like to get an answer for.

I hope to see everyone there.

As regular attendees know, we are meeting with other groups run by Matt C. & Paul W., starting with the ScreenWriters meetup at 1:30pm. Come early if you want!

Learn more here: