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"Young Adult" Wrap Party

From: Ishu K.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 10:36 AM

Great opportunity to network with local filmmakers and actors. Check our

Start Time: Saturday, November 21, 2009 at 9:00pm?
Location: RFD in Chinatown
Street: 810 7th St. NW
City/Town: Washington, DC

Join the cast and crew of the DC-based spec TV pilot Young Adult for a Metro Station Party to celebrate the conclusion of filming!

There will be a $10 cover at the door. There will be door prizes, prizes for best costume, a Silent Auction, entertainment, and pure unadulterated fun!

Make sure you come to our private (snazzy!) back room located on 8th St (Unmarked) - You can also go through the main bar, but ask for the back room.

Drink special for all guests: "Red Line Rum Runner for only $5"!

Costume Information:

1) Easy costume - wear red, orange, yellow, green, or blue (or silver/purple if you want to predict the future)

2) Clever costume - come as a parody of one of the station names. We can't wait to see some "Foggy Bottoms", "Capitol Souths", and "Rockvilles".

Remember there is a prize for best costume!

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