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Job opportunity as project manager from our member Glen Murray!

From: Fena D.
Sent on: Monday, June 3, 2013, 8:11 AM

[address removed]  May 25 (9 days ago)

to GM0414 220 Communications has an opening for a relationship manager to help with specific projects. The position is part time with an estimated 10-20 hours monthly. If you know of any interested candidates please have them contact me.

Duties for Relationship Manager:
* Manage new author projects, coordinating with all parties to get book to market (marketing, operations, editing, graphic design)

* Participate as team member for 220 Communications provide feedback on manuscripts, new business initiatives and marketing decisions (bi monthly team conf. calls)

* Leverage knowledge across businesses music, events, publishing, marketing consulting

Desired Skills

* Marketing
* Project Management
* Excellent Written and Verbal Communications Skills

Preferred Skills
* Functional Knowledge of Basic Social Media
* Mature, dependable , team player

* Big Thinker that can bring new ideas to the table

Per project compensation (RM is compensated at start and finish of project)

220 Communications is a media company focusing on developing products and experiences that uplift, support, enlighten and entertain. Divisions include marketing, publishing and music and social awareness all with a dedication to helping others achieve.We have published 7 titles with another 10 scheduled in the next year, produced a music CD , Raised thousands of dollars for charities and held sold out social events including "Pour" a quarterly charitable fundraiser.

Visit the company web site at

For more info or to submit a resume for this position

email: [address removed]

Glenn MurrayFounder
220 Communications
[address removed]
C) [masked]
www.220communications.comFollow me on Twitter

Read My Blog "Stop,Look,Listen"