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What we’re about

Guess what? SINGLE no longer means SOLITARY! Get off your computer and get into Real Life, with single FRIENDS eager to know you. You, as a welcomed and active member of this fun group, will now join activities, make friends, meet up, hang out, pick brains, get hugs, walk dogs, bring pets, enjoy cocktails, chow down, showcase talents, slow dance, accept compliments, pitch tents, suggest adventures, burn calories, share dreams, offer advice, travel everywhere, eat pizza, smile broadly, discuss books, laugh aloud, clean the highway, support our soldiers, hold benefits for pet and homeless shelters, shake hands, create ideas, clean up (OK, we may need your help SOMETIMES here!), and maybe even find love!

You'll also find we LOVE to travel! In groups of all sizes, on separate trips we've visited Puerto Rico, cruised the Caribbean 12 times (another coming every January!), beached it at gorgeous all-inclusive resorts all over Punta Cana and Mexico, and explore new and exciting countries in Europe for 10 nights every September (this year, Budapest, Prague & Krakow)! All our package deals are incredibly affordable, so forget about being an armchair traveler...pack your bag and let's GO!

By the way, our age group is almost entirely people in their 40s and 50s, and the age range we're including will be 38-65 years old. For those who do join, you'll need to have a real first name (no cutesy handles) and a profile here, and we suggest a photo too, as that's the best way to actually make new Single Friends!

Upcoming events (4)

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