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Google Maps Projects for NOLA Fiber

From: Barrett C.
Sent on: Sunday, March 7, 2010, 9:13 PM
Hello once again,

This is an invitation to any of you out there with Google Maps or Google Earth experience and who want to help with the NOLA Fiber project.

Part of the application asks for additional application materials in the form of YouTube videos and Google Maps. There is some great work in progress on the YouTube video side. (Can you say John Goodman intro? Done.) I think there is plenty of room for us to show-off what we can do.

There are some great ideas floating around already. For example, a map to show the existing fiber in the city, a map for all of the supporting organization, or just a tour of the city and its neighborhoods. Most of the information for this maps is being gathered as I write this, so its just a matter of applying it.

If there are any of you interested please shoot me an e-mail or join the Google group below.

Thanks again everyone. I'll see you all on the 17th.

Barrett M. Conrad

P.S. I added Cade's overview for his Data Warehousing meeting at the March meeting.

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