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Call for April Presentation, Survey, Google Groups, Food Pantry App

From: Barrett C.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 7, 2010, 10:07 AM
Good morning all,

First and most importantly, is anyone interested in presenting at the meeting on April 21st? We haven't locked down anyone yet, so it's an open call. Remember that the group is open to many topics and expertise levels. Also, it doesn't have to be a traditional presentation with a desk. Want to run a panel or questions and answer session, give it a shot.

Next, here is the link for the long awaited survey. Hopefully this will give us a better understanding of the group and what you look for from gnocode. Please fill it out when you have a moment and really let us know what you think.

Also, I wanted to remind everyone about our Google Groups. There are three separate ones with different purposes. I plan on only using the Meetup e-mail list for meeting related updates and very general communication about to the group. With the Google Groups you can better manage your signal level from us. There was already some interesting discussion about iPads earlier this month on the main Google Group.

Google Groups for gnocode
General List -
Project Announcement and Organization -
Job Opportunities -

Finally, I posted a small service project request in the gnocode-projects group. It's a web app to support a food pantry with a really witty interface. Let us know if you are interested.

Thanks again and we'll see you soon,
Barrett M. Conrad

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