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The Clearwater Walking Meetup Group and membership dues

From: Joyce
Sent on: Thursday, January 15, 2015, 9:33 PM

Hi Clearwater Walking Group!

Meetup has changed their payment system, and with their new format, it's a bit more automated. They've allowed me to set up a free trial period, so I set it for 60 days which I hope gives everyone ample time to decide that this is the right group for them! :)

The annual dues remain at $5 to cover the costs of running this Meetup. If you haven't paid in some time, you can pay online here.

Once you sign up for dues, Meetup's new system will automatically bill you each year. You will always be reminded before each charge, and you can cancel your dues at any time.


P.S. I put off the change for as long as I could. I didn't switch over during the pilot period, but as of today, it went fully live. It looks to be a simple system so all should go well. Thanks, everyone!

This Meetup is community funded


Member dues are used to:
  • Cover Meetup costs

60 day free trial

No credit card required

After the trial you must pay dues to be a member of this Meetup.

Cancel dues at any time.

Dues are billed each year.

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