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Re: [Mumbai-on-Rails] Hello

From: Arun Kumar K.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 14, 2012, 12:05 PM
Hi Mohit,

I have been a silent spectator on this list.   

I have seen the meet announcements but never saw any follow up to show if the meeting did take place and who were the attendees.

I am not a RoR guy but delve with a lot of open source technology stack in the IT infrastructure realm.

The monthly meetings are a good idea [1] but may I also suggest that members start using the mailing list as well.    If there is a topic of interest then a few members can organize a BoF meet as well [2].

[1] Personally, I have a standing commitment for Tues. evenings and for that reason I have not been able to join any meetings thus far.

[2] I have a small office that can seat about 10 people, projector and multimedia equipment is also available. 

-- Arun Khan

On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 11:42 PM, Mohit <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi all,

I am saving the group from deletion for now as Mumbai don't have a very active developer community (which I miss immensely) but this group have many techies as members. Would love to hear back on how to make the group function better.


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