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What we’re about

This meetup is for all passionate, crazy and fun loving Indian globe trotters who want to be different like Crypto in a decentralised social circle/network.  

What is Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin or BitcoinCash) ?

Cryptocurrency like BTC or BCH is a network that allows a new form of monetary payment and medium of exchange. The currency is the first of its kind as a decentralized peer-to-peer technology with no central point of issuance. The network uses Proof-of-Work as an economic deterrence against points of failure. Users and miners make up this vast network. They secure and update its blockchain ledger collectively. This crypto protocol contains the longest digital distributed ledger in existence. The importance of Cryptocurrency is incredible as it brings financial inclusion and a new economy to every region in this world. It also prevents money from being centralized into the hands of an elite few at the expense of the many. Cryptocurrency eliminates the need for trust in large organizations and governments.  

What is Decentralised

Nature demonstrates that decentralized systems can be resilient with incredible sophistication and without the need for a central authority, hierarchy, or complex parts. The leafcutter ant is a species that exhibits highly complex behavior in a colony super-organism, but each individual ant operates on a set of simple rules driven by social interaction. The leafcutter ant has no central authority or leader in its colony. The highly intelligent behaviour exhibited by a multimillion-member colony is an emergent property from the interaction of the individuals in a social network.

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