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Thursdays' Insight (Psychic) Development Meditation Circle-More Infor & Directions

From: Robin C.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 10, 2013, 4:40 PM
Dear Friends,

We have had a great deal of interest in the Insight Development Meditation Circle since it was announced. I apologize if I owe you a phone call or email but life has been very hectic. My dog had emergency surgery last week to remove his eye and yesterday, again, for some complications. Between not leaving his side and spending days getting my house weatherized (great for energy conservation!), I have not been able to contact all of you who inquired. Please reread the write-up below, and take a chance and join us on one of these Thursdays at 7:30 pm. INSTRUCTIONS AND DIRECTIONS follow the write-up!

The Circle is open to all newcomers, beginners as well as the experienced, and we will review the goals and expectations, again, for the first-timers. Directions follow as GPS and Mapquest get people lost; plus, there are specific places to park.

The wonderful sharing and new experiences we had during our first Development Circle was very exciting and encouraging. As you welcome in Spirit more and more, you may find yourself increasing your connections at a much greater speed. Looking forward to this Thursday's class, try to remember any ah-ha moments or psychic connections you've had these past two weeks so you can share them with us!

Remember that this is sacred work. Keep your attention on the date you are making with Spirit throughout the day as well as during and after this Circle. Conversations should be held to a minimum so that, later, when insightful messages are given, you have not revealed too much of yourself in advance.

INSIGHT DEVELOPMENT MEDITATION CIRCLE on Thursdays starting at 7:30 pm in Baltimore (Pikesville), MD. This WEEKLY Thursday class is a proven method for developing your psychic talent, a progressive way to heighten your experiences and perceptive reading ability through meditation. Some of the most famous mediums and channelers were trained in this method. It is designed to attract those who wish to transform their lives; to uncover skills, techniques and a new way of looking at things.

Through this, you will learn to relieve daily stress, heal yourself at a soul level, and promote balance, harmony, clarity and focus in your everyday life. The purpose of the exercises is to stimulate and challenge you to step beyond your current limitations.

For beginners and the experienced. Move at your own pace with the support and heightened sensitivities of the group environment.

Please, call to apply so we may discuss your intention to attend. The synchronicity of the energies of the group as well as the consistency of attendance aids in YOUR evolvement and the group’s cohesiveness, trust and growth.

Explanations & Objectives will be discussed prior to the first four sessions.

Suggestion: No Caffeine or Heavy Eating Beforehand. Additional Information will be given at the beginning of each class for the first month as well as by email.

FREE - no one turned away - however, a minimum CASH Donation is Suggested of $10 - $20 to keep the ebb and flow of energy moving, to help defray costs and to allow services to continue for all.



Planet Soul is a social group in a new location, still a work-in-progress. It is in a red brick house, not an office building. We will be forming a non-profit, hopefully, Committees and need Chairpersons soon! It is our hope that you will stay in touch and become an integral part of this evolving community.

DOOR OPENS, usually, 30 minutes before start time (Each event might be a bit different). Please arrive early.


Follow DIRECTIONS below, not GPS or Mapquest, if you are new!

Do NOT PARK on side street. Side street is reserved for the handicapped and practitioners.


Many events are FREE so everyone can partake. A Love Donation of a minimum of $10 - $20++ CASH is suggested to keep the flow of energy moving and give back for that which you receive, to "pay forward" so everyone can take part, and to help defray the costs of keeping the place going.


COLLECTING: 1. Used Eyeglasses and non-perishable Food Items for the Cancer Foundation.
2. Any Spiritual, Holistic or Self-Help items, Ritual Supplies or Books you may have that you'd like to donate to the recycling store or metaphysical library.

CALL, do not email, ON THE DAY OF AN EVENT. For Questions or to RSVP:[masked] or [address removed]


                     205 Slade Avenue  Baltimore (Pikesville), MD 21208
EMAIL: [address removed]

USE THESE DIRECTIONS as GPS and MapQuest get people lost:
1. FROM 695 BALTIMORE BELTWAY: Take Exit 20 South, Reisterstown Road towards Pikesville .

2. Go NINE lights or approximately 1.2 miles. (You will pass the shops in Pikesville and Pikesville Armory on the right. You will see the third Seven-Eleven on the right and the Pikesville Plaza Bldg on the corner with a electronic sign.)

3. At the light, marked Slade Avenue and Milford Mill Road, do not turn onto Slade from Reisterstown Road.


4. Go 0.1 mile (Look for a big yellow banner sign on that corner.)

*** The road takes a hard curve left to stay on Slade Avenue.

5. IMMEDIATELY, there is a PARKING LOT at 124 Slade Avenue OR
park along the LEFT side of the road on the first block as you are driving in.

6. AFTER YOU PARK, walk a half of a block further.

7. On the left is 205 SLADE AVENUE, the first red brick house on the second block with red reflector markers along the perimeter so you won't park on the grass, prayer flags above the storm door and a colorful lawn ornament.

PARKING: Please park in the PARKING LOT at 124 Slade Avenue, ALONG THE LEFT SIDE OF THE STREET as you are driving in OR on the same left side of the street in front of 205 or 207 Slade Avenue.

DO NOT PARK on the side street or in front of the other residential houses.

HANDICAPPED? Call in advance for instructions.

DOOR WILL BE OPEN. Just come in. No need to knock or ring the doorbell.


SHORTCUT: For those coming from the WEST or SOUTH and familiar with the back roads:
You can get off the Beltway at Exit 18, Liberty Road, towards Randallstown and make a right at the 2nd(?) light onto Washington Avenue.
Go to light which is Milford Mill Rd - make a right.
Follow Milford Mill past 2 lights and then the subway station is on the right. When you see the next light, beforehand, get in the left lane and make a left turn onto Slade Avenue -across from the new Maryland State Police Forensic Laboratory. Look for a yellow banner sign on that corner.
You've gone too far if you reach the light at Reisterstown Road.
Follow the *** directions above for parking and to 205 Slade Avenue.

Robin Cushner

Minister of Spiritual Science


Spiritual Director, Advisor, Pastoral Counselor, Teacher, Empath, Hospice Minister & Certified Energy Healer


Volunteer Facilitator of Planet Soul Community Center (Spiritual Path Group + Baltimore Inspirational Films)                                                                                                                 

Ceremonial Officiant: Rituals, Weddings, (Re)Commitment Ceremonies, Funerals, Unveilings, Pet Funerals, House Cleansings and Blessings, Shiva Services and Bereavements                                                                         

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