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Fwd: Sandra Bear Davis

From: Steve
Sent on: Wednesday, July 10, 2013, 10:14 AM
Please contact Ellen Driscoll directly with any questions or for additional information. Her contact information is in the message below.



Hello Steve,

Although I posted on the group email about this event I also needed to add that she is available for private hearings during the day on July 23, Tuesday at Shape Shifters Wellness in old EC-169 Frederick Rd. her fees are $90 per session and the group healing circle @ 7:30 is a donation based fee. Can you please kindly post this info to the group.

Secondly, there is also space available at this beautiful location for workshops, therapists (private room with bodywork table or futon), office space-kitchen area for cooking or/ and herbalists to work! Parking is onsite and outdoor events can also be held on the riverside lawn:) FB page is Shape Shifters at The Cycle
Mill...[masked] could you also post this info to the group

If you need further info call or email me!
Many Thanks
Ellen Driscoll
Sent from my iPhone

Steve Carter
Stress Solutions, LLC
Ph:[masked] | International:[masked]

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