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"Foods that Heal...Foods that Kill" Lecture

From: Michael P.
Sent on: Sunday, October 26, 2014, 11:22 PM
Greetings group!

This Tuesday, October 28th from 8-9:15pm, there will be an information packed event given by yours truly at Jandi's Natural Market & Organic Cafe. We will discuss some of the worst foods that are highly damaging to the body. Some of these foods you know, while others you may find to be a surprise. We will also be learning about some of the top foods that help heal/regenerate the body, and how we can incorporate and enjoy them in our life.

The cost is $10. Educational handouts given. Be on time.

Location: Jandi's Natural Market & Organic Cafe
Date: Tuesday, October 28th
Time: 8-9:15pm
Cost: $10.

Peace and vitality,

Michael J. Pellegrino
Clinical Nutritionist

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