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Fw: This Monday 2 for 1 - Treat A freind Day at Quintessence

From: Paul J.
Sent on: Sunday, October 26, 2014, 4:29 PM

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Quintessence Restaurant <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Sunday, October 26,[masked]:22 AM
Subject: This Monday 2 for 1 - Treat A freind Day at Quintessence

Monday at Quintessence is Treat A Friend Day - 2 for 1.
Bring a friend you have always wanted to introduce to
Quintessence and they can order anything they want
of equal or less value than your meal for free.

That right FREE!

So if you order $30 worth of food they can order up
to $30 worth for no cost to you at all. Bring a friend
and share Quintessence 2 for 1 This Monday Only.

We appreciate you turning on new people to our
amazing food so we want to do something for you
in return.
This applies all day Lunch and Dinner!

This message was sent to [address removed] from:
Quintessence Restaurant | [address removed] | Quintessence Restaurant | 263 East 10th Street | New York, NY 10009
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