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Down Hill Skiing

From: Keith F.
Sent on: Monday, December 26, 2011, 8:35 PM

Sandia Peak has more snow than any other ski resort in New Mexico right now.  If you consider savings on gas and your time, it's the best deal cost wise.  I am planning to post a group event, probably this Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.  We would meet at the tram and ride up.  You will need to have your own skiis or go to Sports Systems and rent them.  You have to have the equipment when you get on the tram at the bottom

Round trip for the tram when you are going skiing is only $12.  Economy ski package from SS is $17.  Lift tickets vary from 30-50 dollars depending on your age and half day vs. full day.

If you are interested please let me know the best day(s) for you.  

Keep in mind that warm weather is ahead and there is not guarantee that more snow will fall this winter. Carpe diem.

Keith Ferguson
