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New Meetup: Tesuque Creek Hike & Santa Fe Spanish Market

From: user 3.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 24, 2008, 3:03 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Albuquerque Hiking and Outdoor Meetup!

What: Tesuque Creek Hike & Santa Fe Spanish Market

When: July 27,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Distance - 7.5 miles (RT to Chamisa Trail)
Rating - Moderate
Elevation Range -[masked] ft
Seasons - During spring runoff, the creek may rise above logs and stones used for crossing and you may need to wade through the water.

Join us for a pleasant walk near Santa Fe among the ponderosa pine, pinon/juniper and riparian woodlands along a lovely stream with several crossings. Christine will be leading this hike, with Dave and Kathy. We are providing options for meeting Kathy and Dave in ABQ or Christine at the Tesuque Village Market.

Directions from Albuquerque to Tesuque Village Market:
Please be at the Market by 9:30 and look for Christine by her SUV. From here we will carpool to the actual trailhead as parking is limited.

From I25 North take Exit 282 merging onto ST FRANCIS DR/US-285 N/US-84 toward Santa Fe.
Continue North up ST FRANCIS DR/US-285 N/US-84 driving through Santa Fe up towards Tesuque.
Take the first Tesuque exit - Exit 168 Tesuque Village/Opera Drive.
Take a right at the stop sign and continue (bearing slightly to the left) onto Route 73 for about 1.3 miles.
After the 1.3 miles you will come upon a very small and quaint little village on your right with a Restaurant/Grocery sign. This is Tesuque Village Market. There will be a visible parking area just to the right where we will meet.

Also, afterwards for people who are interested:
A main event that is happening in Santa Fe for most of all day Sunday, July 27th (and Saturday) outdoors and free in and around the Plaza, is the 57th Annual Traditional Spanish Market. It includes dozens of outdoor art exhibits, continuous live music and dance entertainment on the Plaza band stand, and of course great food for our hungry hikers. All will be located outdoors in and around the Santa Fe Plaza.

Link to the Tradition Spanish Market Web Site that list events for that day. Click on Events link.

Learn more here: