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New Meetup: South Peak via the Whitewash Trail-Strenuous

From: Doug F.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 15, 2009, 12:27 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Albuquerque Hiking and Outdoor Meetup!

What: South Peak via the Whitewash Trail-Strenuous

When: January 16,[masked]:00 AM

Embudito Trailhead
Trailhead Road
Albuquerque, NM 87111

Plan to hike up the Whitewash Trail and hook up with the trail that leads to South Peak. Would like to make this a loop and hike the north ridge of Embudito Canyon back to the base of the mountain. Don't know what the conditions will be like, but you should have the following if you would like to join me:

Gaitors--to keep snow out of your shoes
Waterproof or gore--tex lined shoes-to keep your feet dry
Layers of warm clothing--to wick persperation away from your body
Hiking poles with snow baskets--to help you maintain good purchase on steep slopes
A traction aide--So you don't fall on your rear everytime you step on a patch of ice
Rain gear--To prevent hypothermia, if it should unexpectedly rain

Please take this advice to heart. Winter hiking can be very safe and satisfying if you are prepared for any conditions. If you are unprepared, winter hiking can be dangerous and no fun at all. If I think you are not properly equiped, you will not be allowed to hike with this group, as I feel responsible for your safty. Make sure to bring plenty of water and leave your dog at home. Lets meet at the Embudito where we will leave a car for the possible loop, and then drive to the Whitewash Trail.

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