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Your Psychic Questions Answered- Saturday 30th

From: Tina F.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 27, 2016, 2:19 PM

Your Psychic Questions Answered

When: Saturday, July 30,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Center For Spiritual Living Menifee Valley
26805 Murrieta Avenue
Sun City, CA 92585

price: $10.00 per person

A psychic is a person who is able to receive higher guidance and information,  is sensitive to nonphysical or supernatural forces and influences  marked by extraordinary or mysterious sensitivity, perception, or understanding.

This afternoon you will get the opportunity to gain some insight to a question that's been bothering you, confused you, challenged you or just something that you've been wondering about.

Come prepared with a question. We will have a drawing and those chosen will get an answer to a question that’s been on  their  mind.  Brandie will read for as many people possible in the time allowed.


You can always get in touch with me through my group profile on Meetup.