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Join us Saturday- Love vs Gratitude- The Energetic Realities of Living More Joyfully

From: Tina F.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 14, 2017, 10:21 AM

Come join Possibility Educator and Visionary Mystic, Rev. Roby Lynn Chevance, D.D. as she shares a profound approach to creating greater joy in your life.  The afternoon will include exploration into the judgements you hold about what love is or isn’t, how it has or hasn’t shown up in your life, and how those judgments prevent you from receiving what you would like to have in your life. Rev. Roby will guide you through energetic processes that will allow you to release your attachments to past and present pain, allowing more of you to be available to receive as you open to the truth of what gratitude actually is, what it does, and how you can use it to create your life beyond your wildest imagination.

Where: Center For Spiritual Living Menifee Valley
26805 Murrieta Avenue
Sun City, CA 92585

price: $10.00 per person


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