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New Meetup: Meet the Group - Candle Lit Ghost Tour of Colonial Williamsburg

From: Matt
Sent on: Monday, August 31, 2009, 1:56 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Tidewater Hampton Roads Camping & Outdoor Adventures!

What: Meet the Group - Candle Lit Ghost Tour of Colonial Williamsburg

When: November 1,[masked]:30 PM

Colonial Williamsburg
Duke of Gloucester Street
Williamsburg, VA 23185

This is an icebreaker event. Rick Hancock, one of our organizers, has agreed to meet the group in a friendly, relaxed setting so we can get to know each other a little better.

Rick is a paid professional Guide in Colonial Williamsburg. He leads and tells candle lit Ghost Stories, and has done so for the past 4 years. The tour is free for our members that night, (although he does accept tips, and; the normal tour cost would be $11.00 per person/adult when he leads the tours for work).

Nov. 1 Sun 7:30pm Candle Lit Ghost Tour of Colonial Williamsburg
Leader/Guide Rick Hancock[masked]

Join Rick on a Ghostly Tour of Colonial Haunts along the streets of Williamsburg. Walking tour is about 1 hour 45 minutes and covers appx 1 1/2 miles. Hear tales of the Death Cart, Lady Anne Skipwith, and other spirits that still roam the streets.

We will depart from the Barnes & Noble Bookstore at Henry and Duke of Gloucester promply at 7:30 pm
The walking tour will head to the original College Campus and then into the historical area. This is a fun event for all ages but limited to 30 people! Cost is free but tips are appreciated!

Bring your friends and family, meet the group and have some fun!

Learn more here:

This Meetup is community funded


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  • Cover Meetup costs

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