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New Meetup: FREE SCREENING of Lakeview Terrace at AMC Castleton!!

From: Joe
Sent on: Monday, September 8, 2008, 8:45 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Indy Film Buffs Meetup Group!

What: FREE SCREENING of Lakeview Terrace at AMC Castleton!!
When: September 9,[masked]:00 PM

Meetup Description: Last-minute Meetup!!

Attention IFB Meetup members! We've got FREE passes for TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, to the new Samuel L. Jackson movie, Lakeview Terrace. Look for Gary in the lobby with the passes (You MUST RSVP to receive a pass). Movie starts at 7:30PM; please arrive NO LATER THAN 7:15 as that is when we will be sitting. At free screenings, typically we're able to sit together but sometimes when turnout is heavier we may need to be split apart. However, you should be able to at least sit next to someone else from Meetup.

Please note that you may bring ONE guest with you, and due to the number of passes, there is a limit on the number of RSVPs. Please also note that due to limited RSVPS, only YES/NO RSVPs are permitted for this one.

After the movie if there is interest we can head to a nearby restaurant such as Castleton Grill.

Hope that you can make it!

RSVP here:

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