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Books & Brews Events

From: user 1.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 29, 2014, 3:26 PM

Hello all,

My name is Cory Bess and I work at a new brewery/bookstore called Books & Brews. We are located on the north side close to Carmel and Fishers, right off of 96th street. Our exact address is 9402 Uptown Drive. I have gotten permission from the awesome organizers of Indy Gaming to keep you guys updated on some great events we have going on at B&B.

We have Tabletop Tuesday every Tuesday, and we have a couple of groups that meet here for that. We have some of our own games, but most people just bring their own and sit and play and drink some good beer (that we brew ourselves here in house). We also have had a couple of different occasions where someone has made their own game and wants to play-test it here, so if any of you have a game that you want people to play, let us know and we can get you set up! All groups that meet here on a regular basis receive 10 percent off of their bill as well.

We also do Trivia every Wednesday, open mic nights every Thursday and after hours events on Fridays and Saturdays. These after hours events start once we officially close, and we always stay open until everyone is ready to go! On Fridays, we usually pick a game to play (couple weeks ago we did Cards Against Humanity and it was hilarious) and on Saturdays we set up a TV and a console and throw a gaming tournament. We have done Mario Kart and Wii bowling so far, but upcoming we have Halo and a few others. These are open to any and all people!

Sorry for the long winded email, but I just wanted to get all of this out there to you guys. For more info on upcoming events, you can like us on Facebook at Books & Brews. If you have any other questions, please email me and let me know! Thanks for sticking around for so long, and have a fantastic day.

Cory Bess

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