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D&D Adventurers League Starting 9/3 at Hero's Emporium!

From: Heather
Sent on: Wednesday, August 27, 2014, 12:13 PM


Just dropping a line to give you guys an insider tip.. there is a new game store at 65th and Keystone and it is gorgeous! I find it to be Indy's game store equivalent to The Sinking Ship.. hip, fresh, and EXACTLY what Indy needed. Their store is on point with the hottest Kickstarter, RPG, and mini's combat systems like Warhammer 40K and Star Wars. They are also every gamer's newest BFF with a Large, CLEAN Gaming Space with open tables to go with their free game library, bountious parking, and a location NEXT TO Little Caesars/ Kroger/Arby's/HeavenlyHam!!

Something else l love about these guys is they are really engaged with what people are looking to play and helping gamers GAME.. they have regularly scheduled games:

  • Magic: the Gathering at 7 pm every Friday and non-standard 6 pm Monday.
  • My Little Pony Saturdays 1pm
  • Marvel Dice Masters Fridays 6:30pm starting August 22


And them LIKE THEM ON FB, FOLLOW THEM ON TWITTER, ALL SHALL LOVE THEM AND DESPAIR.. wait scratch the last bit.. just love them they are like super cool and stuff. ;)

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