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WEBCAST: Smart Law for Smart Cities conference, Feb 27-28 #smartcitieslaw @FordhamLawNYC

From: Joly M.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 26, 2014, 1:45 PM

ISOC-NY is happy to announce that we have arranged to webcast the Smart Law for Smart Cities conference live, tomorrow and Friday. Looks to be a great event!

joly posted: " On February 27–28, 2014 Fordham Univwersity's Urban Law Center will hold a 2-day symposium - Smart Law for Smart Cities: Regulation, Technology, and the Future of Cities. This symposium will explore the regulatory landscape for potentially disruptive adv"

Smart Law for Smart Cities On February 27–28, 2014 Fordham Univwersity's Urban Law Center will hold a 2-day symposium - Smart Law for Smart Cities: Regulation, Technology, and the Future of Cities. This symposium will explore the regulatory landscape for potentially disruptive advances in urban governance arising from innovative technology, sustainability, and "big data." It will focus on how contemporary urban life is marked and shaped by technology, as well as the law and regulatory complexities that are arising from this technological transformation. The symposium will include panels examining changes to both the physical and non-physical landscape in urban life resulting from such changes. Speakers include Bruce Lincoln of Silicon Harlem, Dana Spiegel of NYC Wireless, Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer, and Chris Levendos of Verizon. Non-lawyer registration is $75 for the two days. The entire conference will be webcast live via the Internet Society Chapters livestream channel.

What: Smart Law for Smart Cities: Regulation, Technology, and the Future of Cities
Where: Fordham Law School, McNally Amphitheatre, 140 West 62nd Street, NYC
When: Thursday February 27 – Friday February 28, 2014
Webcast: http://bit,ly/isoctv

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Joly MacFie [masked] Skype:punkcast
WWWhatsup NYC - -
 VP (Admin) - ISOC-NY -

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