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Ciò che siamo

Welcome to Kong! We are so happy you are joining our global community!

This group is for everyone who is interested in learning more about APIs, microservices, Kubernetes, service mesh, and more. We are best known as the creator and primary supporter of Kong Gateway, the most widely adopted open-source API gateway.

Become a Community Organizer
We are always on the look for awesome community members to lead our user groups. The community organizer’s role is crucial to the success and vitality of Kong’s community. If you are interested in learning more, please email us at:

Speak at a Meetup
We always want to hear from our community members about their awesome use cases! You can do a short talk of 15/20mins or a detailed technical presentation of 25/45min. Our team is happy to guide you through the process and help you with the presentation. And of course, all our community speakers get awesome swag!
Apply to speak:

Kong YouTube Channel - All of our community events are recorded and uploaded to YouTube. From User Calls, to tutorials, technical deep dives, we have it all!
Subscribe now:

Learn more about Kong

Prossimi eventi (3)

Visualizza tutto
  • Evento di networking
    77 partecipanti da 79 gruppi
    AI Adoption with Enterprise-Grade Security and Control in Kong Gateway 3.7
    Link visibile ai partecipanti
  • Evento di networking
    1.181 partecipanti da 79 gruppi
    Kong Developer Day: AI + APIs
    Link visibile ai partecipanti
    • Foto di Kong Meetups
  • Evento di networking
    49 partecipanti da 79 gruppi
    Bringing Kubernetes-native Sidecars to Kong Mesh
    Link visibile ai partecipanti
    • Foto di Angelo Conforti