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I'm looking for a small group of cerebral woman to start a book club. I love the idea of sharing literature and I think it would be a nice way to start something social with women who enjoy expanding their creative minds.

Here are some books I've had on my reading list. This is by no means the list the club would be based off of, I just wanted to give potential ladies a glimpse in the event they were also interested! I am open to suggestions :) <br>(Within certain genres haha)

Reading List: <br>[ ] The fire next time - James Baldwin <br>[ ] Beloved - Toni Morrison <br>[ ] Bone Gap - Laura Ruby <br>[ ] The snow child - Eowyn Ivey <br>[ ] The particular sadness of lemon cake - Aimee Bender <br>[ ] 1Q84 - Haruki Murakami

I was thinking meeting places could be in either San Pedro or west Long Beach. Again, open to suggestions within the area!

Note: the reason for the age range is that most book clubs I've come across are composed of slighty older ladies. I wanted to create a space for young folks to commune around literature as well.

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