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FYI... Scuola Italiana

From: Jennifer J.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 12, 2009, 1:32 PM
Hi all,

Apologies for sending this message to the entire list; I am sending in case some of you will be interested in attending/supporting the Scuola Italiana asilo/preschool next year. I am hoping to send my daughter (3 yrs.) if enough enrollment occurs. I am not one of the organizers of Scuola Italiana. I am a parent interested in seeing the program survive.

Also, they are hiring a part-time administrator (I think this will be one of those positions that you do for the love of it, not for the pay as they have not listed any pay rate...):
Scuola Italiana di Portland is seeking a flexible, part-time Administrative Manager to coordinate administrative, financial, and promotional aspects of this small Italian language school for children. 

Duties include, but are not limited to:
Basic bookkeeping and financial processing including preparing financial reports and registration processing.
Liase with payroll, CPA, other vendors. Prepare and track annual contracts--prepare tax and payroll materials.
Tracking actual and prospective student data.
Assist Board of Directors in promotion of the Scuola, including coordination of printed materials and student recruitment. 
Serving as main point of contact for Scuola phone and email inquiries.
Event coordination and support (Open House, annual Festa di Carnevale)
Working with project volunteers and supporting volunteer Board of Directors.
Correspondance and records maintenance--personnel, student, financial, tax, including management of annual calendar.

The ideal candidate should be highly-organized and very responsible with demonstrable non-profit experience, preferably in an educational setting.  Great computer skills and an ability to work with a wide variety of people essential. As the position would currently be home-based, candidate must have outstanding capacity for self-directed work. Please be responsive, creative and extremely trustworthy. While this is not a fundraising position, background knowledge of events, fundraising, donor relations strongly desired. Some experience with QuickBooks essential. Prefer at least two years applicable work experience. Interest in and experience with Italian culture and Italian language skills a definite plus!

At present, the position would be based out of the home with some light "travel" for errands and meetings; some limited evening and weekend hours may be required. This position will have somewhat variable workload throughout year and flexible hours with an average minimum of 10 hours estimated per week.  

Scuola Italiana di Portland offers Italian language and culture education for children in a full immersion environment. We offer both a preschool, based on the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education, and enrichment classes for beginning to advanced students ages 3-12. 

Qualified candidates should submit
(1) cover note, explaining their unique qualifications for the position
(2) resume, including references 

and send them via email to Scuola Italiana di Portland, c/o Grazia Solazzi, President: [address removed]

jennifer jako    principal/designer
fix studio   [masked] cell   [masked] office
2008 N. Williams Ave.   Portland, OR 97227

Check out our latest projects, Lapellah Restaurant, Por Que No,  and BUNK Sandwiches!

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