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See you tomorrow?

From: Fredrik M.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 1, 2014, 11:50 AM

Hi folks,

I just got word that many of you haven't received the invite to our meetup tomorrow.

We're looking into this, in the meantime, here’s a little info about the event.

- Fredrik

Welcome to IxDA Oslo’s October talk, tomorrow at 18.00 at MESH.

Make your organization care about UX

RSVP now!

We've invited Simon Morisawa-Bostock and Chris Atherton to take a look at why organisations find it hard to focus on UX, and what we can do to change that.

The talk starts off discussing what we know about how the weirdly unstable gestalty mixture of time, intention, flow, memes, symbols, brains and senses ends up as Human Attention, and talk a little about what this means for UX.

Thereafter, they'll look at how the pathology of organisations makes Organisational Attention different. And right after that, they'll mash those two themes up to address the problem of doing things better for organisations who don't really get UX.

This talk is aimed at UX’ers, product owners and project managers working in big organizations.

About the speakers:

Chris Atherton is a senior user experience specialist at Equal Experts, where she currently works in an agile team on a gov.ukproject. Chris’s portfolio includes stints at Skype and the BBC, as well as some time in agency-land.

Chris's three favourite projects to date are:

  1. Redesigning the visas and immigration experience for GOV.UK

  2. Researching and creating a digital strategy to help young people talk about mental health.

  3. Storyboarding and scripting a children’s animation about thyroid disorders, entirely in rhyme.

Before running off to join the software circus, Chris researched and taught psychology; she has a PhD in cognitive neuroscience, and spends a lot of time thinking about people’s attention — namely how to get it, and how to keep it. Chris tweets at @finiteattention.

Simon Morisawa-Bostock is an associate at Equal Experts, where he currently works on user experience and business analysis in an agile team on a GOV.UK project. Simon's work history includes equal amounts of time at agencies and in Third Sector organisations.

Simon's three favourite projects to date are:

  1. Designing the new online visa service for the China market.

  2. Service design strategy for a loose community of orthopaedic surgeons.

  3. Creating a digital and experience strategy for a social network for people with more than a $100m in cash (!)

Most of Simon's work has involved change or transformation projects and he spends most of his time thinking about the tools people use to think with, whether those are digital, bits of paper on a wall – or an organisation. He tweets at @i4_1 and blogs at

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