

Thank you very much for visiting our group!
We are "Compathy" of the travel web service and community run by Wanderlust of Japanese startup company.

* Our web service page
Compathy (Travel Collections around the world & Planning)

[What is Compathy]
Compathy is the travel web service for anyone who is interested in traveling around the world.
You can use our service for the following travel related purposes.

1. Making your travelog with your traveling experiences around the world.

2. Making your travel plans with more than 100,000 reviews by real individual travelers.

[What we do at meetup events]

1. Cultural experience & sharing travel experience for fun!

Let's meet up with lots of people who have their own traveling experiences around the world and have fun time of exchanges.
We usually organize the meetups at the unique places (restaurants and etc) where we feel like visiting in other countries in traveling and can have the experience of those countries.

2. Innovative travel ideas exchanges
Please join a little more serious talking meetups with other travel lovers and organizers of Compathy at our office in Shibuya.
We are discussing about innovative travel & web service ideas to make our traveling experience more wonderful through improving Compathy service.
We make and improve wonderful web service together with your great experience and ideas!

[About us]
We are challenging to remove the national borders in our mind through the innovative travel web service "Compathy".

- Nov. 2013:  Released TRiPORT of travel web magazine  
- Dec. 2013:  Released Compathy Beta
There are some articles about our service launch.
- Mar. 2014:  Getting the fundings
- Feb. 2015:  Released iOS app
- Dec. 2015:  Released travel planning new function  (Only for the registered users)